
It’s been a productive season in the studio. I have a wealth of pieces in production, and at the end of a session I’ll use whatever remains on the palette to produce one of these cute little friends.

Happy Self Portrait Day

Crazy to think the first time I participated in a global meme drawing challenge was just about twenty years ago. There was a website called, Android Jones was bashing his way through his first self portrait a day project, industry heavies had just dropped out of Ringling to make a wonderful, if short lived community. Little baby Troy, deep in undergrad, found the community quite by accident and it helped shape the artist I’d become. Many of those artists are still my favorites to this day. Fond memories of sitting in front of a computer. 


Today marks the kickstarter launch for issue four of Brokenland by my friend Drew Morrison.

I thought I’d post some process shots of my small contribution to the project.

Thumbnails relay
More thumbnails and trying to find the personality.
Model magic maquette photo shoot!
Really rough to scale drawing
Less rough
Inks scanned and cleaned

Thanks for looking!

En pain air

Sunburn, bugbites, and other delights have filled my summer thus far. A few pieces scrubbed together have been uploaded to the work section.


A year ago today I spent a long night photographing the bulk of my larger work. This consisted of several years worth of figure drawings, and even after a substantial culling, was so amused by the stack I had to snap this photo.

A part of me likes to think that documenting this moment, in this way, serves as a tongue in cheek representation of my artistic output as self worth. 

“I am this much productive…”

“Good boy…” [pats head]

I’ve sat on much of this work for a multitude of reasons (perhaps I’ll go into another time), but now seems to be a good time for some of it to see the light of day.

Update 3/19/21

After far too long of a hiatus I spent some time uploading a small sampling of older work today. The work can be found here, which I’m sure you’ve already discovered since it’s defaulted as the main page. Thanks for stopping by, and see you soon!

I want my sketchbook back

This post used to contain the details of an incident resulting in the theft of a sketchbook and other property. I’ve edited it so it solely features the artwork.











This is the post that’s supposed to pique your interest and keep you coming back before it disappears into the chronological abyss. I draw, I paint, I build, and I destroy. I suspect it’s because of that you’ll return.